Advertise With Us

Reach 60,000+ Engaged Readers

Reach your marketing objectives by partnering with us. Showcase your brand or product to an audience actively seeking the latest recommendations and innovations in the world of music. Our readers are actively in the market for music-related products and services.

Your message, our stage – let’s make music together 🎶

Recent Clients

About ProducersHQ

Join the music lovers, producers, and artists at ProducersHQ. We’re your go-to source for industry insights, production techniques, and artist spotlights.

Where Music Meets Technology

Discover the fascinating intersection of music and tech. We explore the latest in AI, music creation tools, and the evolving landscape of melodies and harmonies. 

Be in the Know

Our dynamic audience includes trendsetters, tastemakers, and anyone passionate about Hip-Hop, R&B, reggae, pop, and afro beats. They’re always ahead of the curve when it comes to music trends and tech breakthroughs.

Email vs. Social Media Marketing

Social media drowns your message in a sea of content, while email marketing provides a focused channel straight to the inboxes of dedicated subscribers. Social media may offer quick interactions, but email sponsorship creates a lasting impression.

Highly Engaged Audience ➰




Unique Opens


Click-To-Open Rate

Demographics ➰


United States















Advertising Options ➰

Sponsored Issue

For brands seeking unparalleled exposure, our Sponsored Issue is the ultimate choice. Each Sponsored Issue is an exclusive affair, reserved for one partner per edition.

Your message gets prime placement with three strategically positioned ads:

Together with  – “Together with” + your logo directly below our main logo

One-liner – Simple one-line that links to your landing page

Inline – Seamlessly integrated within our main content

Exposure: Approximately 30,000 views

Expand Your Reach:

Twitter Addon – Elevate your campaign by tapping into our 160,000-follower Twitter account (verified since 2016). This multi-channel approach seamlessly blends email and social media, maximizing your brand’s exposure. 

Price: Contact for pricing


Our One-Liner ad placement are strategically positioned at the end of our newsletter introduction. Our team will craft a concise, compelling one-line sentence that links directly to your landing page. This warm-up statement familiarizes our readers with your brand and piques their curiosity, driving interest.


Our seamlessly integrated Inline ad placement is positioned just below the first story of our newsletter. This placement includes:

  • a link to your conversion-optimized landing page
  • a one-click actionable button
  • 100 words of captivating ad copy
  • feature image may be included (optional)


Engage our readers with your message as they dive into our content.

These placements offer strategic opportunities to connect with our audience effectively and drive engagement with your brand.